Anomaly Detection
3AI September 6, 2020
Talent Analytics
Problem Statement
- Expense reports for reimbursement are created under different allowances categories. Expense report goes to pre-pay auditor for approval.
- Currently, PPA is expected to review all the reports irrespective of the transactional amount.
- Aim of the study is to identify the rules for outlier reports to reduce workload on pre-pay auditor.
Analytics Led Approach
- Use analytics to uncover compliance and fraud in internal transactions to enable prepay auditors to improve compliance and reduce loss.
- Outlier removal based on the historical approval and rejections patterns of the prepay auditor
Business Impact
- Patterns identified and new business rules obtained from the analysis.
- Establish rules to be implemented in the system based on transaction amount, expense type and associate profile.
Critical Success Factors
- Data process analysis
- Fraud and rejection pattern formulation
- Bucketing Expense Report on risk factor
- Business rule to predict behavior of an expense report