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All Pervasive Analytics and AI – The Disparate Facets

May 17, 2020

Sundara Ramalingam
Global Director – AI Consulting Partners at NVIDIA

Artificial intelligence (AI) has evolved and improved methods for data analysis and complex computations – solving problems that seemed well beyond our reach only a few years ago. Today, deep learning is transforming every industry, from healthcare and retail to automotive and financial services. In this webinar, Sundara will deep dive into concepts of deep learning along with multiple application scenarios, followed by brief Q&A with participants. Understand the use cases of implementing artificial intelligence such as image processing, natural language processing, speech recognition, deep face – facial recognition system, etc. About Speaker 1. Sundara is the Head of Deep Learning practice at NVIDIA India. 2. He has a strong technical background and his areas of interest include Deep Learning, Big Data Analytics, IoT and Automotive Solutions. 3. He has more than twenty years of experience in solutions involving Visual Computing, Virtualization and High Performance Computing.

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