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  • Transforming Product Experience: How Generative AI is changing the game for Microsoft, Oracle, and AWS

    Featured Article: Author: Abhishek Tandon, Director, Customer Success for Fosfor, LTIMindtree Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way we interact with technology, and one of its most intriguing applications is conversational AI. Chatbots and virtual assistants have become increasingly popular, enabling businesses to provide personalized and efficient customer experiences. Companies like Microsoft, Oracle, and Amazon […]

  • Retail Revolution enabled by AI

    Predictive analytics has been used in retail for decades, but it’s within the last few years that advances in technology — namely artificial intelligence — have supercharged the speed, scale and cost at which it is used. This AI-powered retail personalization revolution helps retailers transition into a world where consumers are always connected, more mobile, more social, and have more choices about […]

  • Reimagine and Redefine the Enterprise of the Future with Generative AI Technologies

    Featured Article: Author: Jayachandran Ramachandran, Senior Vice President – Artificial Intelligence Labs Course5 Intelligence There are multiple inflection points in the history of the computation industry since the invention of computers in 1945. Some of the seminal moments are the advent of mainframe technology, personal computing, graphical user interface, Internet, mobile tech, cloud tech, artificial […]

  • The Evolution of Generative AI and Human Creativity: Ethical Concerns and Future Perspectives

    Featured Article Author: Bhabani Chatterjee, Capgemini Invent Generative AI revolutionized notions of creativity — in manufacturing, product design, content creation, and problem-solving across various domains. These advancements not only push human invention further but also open up a new world for enterprises and individuals. Of course, ethical implications abound, but the excitement is undeniable. The […]