Multi-channel Marketing Analytics
3AI August 17, 2020
A leading US Bank
Problem Statement
- Initiative to track 360 degree view of the customer experience on the Bank’s online and mobile channel
- Need to gain better visibility around the effectiveness of varied sales and marketing initiatives
Analytics Led Approach
- Real-time online analytics using Site Catalyst
- Reports showing detailed information on purchasing metrics, customer loyalty, campaigns, visitor profiles etc.
- Data analysis from multiple data sources (both online and offline) to gain actionable customer intelligence
- A/B or Multivariate testing of various campaigns for targeted marketing
Business Impact
- Achieved risk-adjusted 3-year ROI of 25%
- Reached break-even on the investment within one year
- Realized total (risk-adjusted) net present value of $771,560
- 10.5% increase in NPV due to changes on the organization’s home page based on initial A/B testing
Critical Success Factors
- Understanding of end-to-end marketing lifecycle
- Expertise in various marketing analytics products – Site Catalyst, Insight and Test & Target
- Innovation led delivery- creation of standard dashboards instead of manual reporting for improved efficiency