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  • What if AI scans legislation and allocates funds to agencies?

    New Treasury Department software points the way. But research suggests that it’s impossible to show that an artificial ‘superintelligence’ can be contained.If, like me, you’re worried about how members of Congress are supposed to vote on a stimulus bill so lengthy and complex that nobody can possibly know all the details, fear not — the Treasury Department […]

  • Revolutionizing Claims Journey through Generative AI

    Featured Article Author: Vidhya Veeraraghavan, Standard Chartered In the Claims-2030 series of articles, Mckinsey emphasizes that by 2030, every touchpoint in the claims journey, starting even before an incident occurs, will be supported by a mix of technology and human touch that seamlessly interacts to expedite the process and deliver a better experience across the […]

  • The Evolution of Generative AI and Human Creativity: Ethical Concerns and Future Perspectives

    Featured Article Author: Bhabani Chatterjee, Capgemini Invent Generative AI revolutionized notions of creativity — in manufacturing, product design, content creation, and problem-solving across various domains. These advancements not only push human invention further but also open up a new world for enterprises and individuals. Of course, ethical implications abound, but the excitement is undeniable. The […]

  • Understanding Language Model Evaluation Metrics: A Comprehensive Overview

    Featured Article: Author: Mradul Jain, AB InBev Large language models, such as GPT, Llama, Bard, etc. have gained immense popularity for their ability to generate coherent and contextually relevant text. Evaluating the performance of these models is crucial to ensure their reliability and utility. To accomplish this, a range of metrics have been developed. In […]