Social media analytics
3AI September 10, 2020
Social media analytics
Problem Statement
- The social media space is filled with product reviews, insights and complaints in an unstructured format.
- The company required our assistance in extracting usable information from this data enabling them to create value for customers through customers needs and wants.
Analytics Led Approach
- Deploy a competent Social Listening tool that could gather all information and classify them into various buckets through queries and/or codes
- This information is then analyzed qualitatively and categorized within platforms, products and sentiments
- A report summarizing the complete search and the results is then made, highlighting the key conversation drivers and influencers toward parameters such as Brand image, product positioning & sentiments, customer engagements
Business Impact
- Complete customer insight and first hand feedback/reviews toward different products over social media
- Untapped information on product insights, customer needs according to reactions through existing products, adverse event notification and action etc.
- Customer engagement tracking, sentiment analysis and influencer analysis
Critical Success Factors
- Identified effective customer bridges for campaigns and promotional efforts
- Sentiment analysis and key influencer profiles helped streamline marketing decisions