Assess the effectiveness of the Digital Channel
3AI August 13, 2020
Leading US Pharmaceutical Company
Problem Statement
- With the launch of a competitor drug in Q2 2012, brand is planned to get reduced effort from the sales force channel. Company would like to understand
- the effectiveness of the digital channel in brand’s current promotional mix
Analytics Led Approach
- conducted three separate test-control analyses to measure three different aspects of digital channel effectiveness
- Identified physicians are grouped based on the exposure to various promotional channels to set up the impact assessment analysis
- Physicians reached by Rep Channel
- Physicians NOT reached by Rep Channel
- Digital channel was tested in terms of impact on the following basis
- Incremental
- Supplemental
- Substitutional
Business Impact
- Incremental impact of digital channel on Brand’s prescribing is found to be significant in specific groups of physicians
- The profile of physicians where the digital channel is found to be impactful is:
- Low Value (Long Tail HCPs)
- High Affinity to Brand (Physicians who prefer branded drugs over generics)
- Med/Low value CARDs
- The digital channel is not an effective supplement for any reduction in REP effort for High value/Crestor Leaner physicians
- However, consistent with the incremental impact, digital promotion appears to be able to adequately supplement reductions in REP effort for Brand long tail HCPs and for physicians who have a higher affinity to branded drugs
- Matched test physician set was too small for a meaningful impact assessment
Critical Success Factors
- Identification of the right placement of digital channel within promo mix (incremental / supplemental, not substitutional) and focused targeting based on customer profiles (Incremental : 5000 Low value Dr.s & 2000 High Affinity to brand Dr.s)