Lead Generation from previous customers
3AI August 16, 2020
Leading Life Insurance Company In Japan
Problem Statement
- Loss of premium due to customers lapsation.
- The premium attached to the ex-customers totaled up to 595 billion Yen (US $ 6 BN)
Analytics Led Approach
- A methodology for developing a lead generation model: with an approach to seek homogeneous segments and a segmentation schema that is meaningful, actionable, stable, sufficient in size and defensible was built
- Segmentation is carried out using 3.5 million policies related to 46 active products
- Customers are segmented based on demographic, attitudinal, behavioral, income , and region basis.
- Product affinities of segments of customers was identified
- Developed an optimized techniques to recommend products for each customer
Business Impact
- Identification of product affinities of segments of customers
- A product recommendation engine to provide new product recommendations (5 each) with their probability of conversion for all 3.5 million lapsed customers was designed
Critical Success Factors
- US $ 300 MN worth of leads generated. 1% conversion of these leads will result in US $ 3 MN in additional premium to the insurer
- Up to 20% improvement in upsell through targeted marketing
- identified 234 Bn Yen that can be obtained from Ex-Customers
- Campaign Feeding solutions have been implemented with a feedback loop to improve the accuracy of the future recommendations