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Ecommerce trends, buying behavior & online platforms – Journey, Reflections & Perspectives

June 6, 2021

Dipayan Chakraborty
Ex-Analytics Head – Myntra, Flipkart

In 1995, the first item ever was ordered online on Amazon – a book. 25 years later, Global B2C eCommerce sales amounted to nearly $4.53 trillion in 2020 and these figures expected to nearly double by 2023. If anything, we’re likely to see an even bigger increase in sales than predicted by these pre-COVID-19 estimates, as eCommerce sales have seen massive growth and transformation since early 2020. The pandemic has had an immediate impact on buyer behavior that has accelerated the digital & AI transformation for many businesses. COVID injected nearly $107 billion in eCommerce sales in the US alone, with a 169% increase in eCommerce purchases coming from new or previously infrequent users. Ecommerce has revolutionized retail. It has evolved to meet the changing needs, and to make online shopping easier for the modern day customer. Whether it’s hyper-customization, enhanced return policies, or improved integration, all of these changes have taken the world of ecommerce by storm. Dipayan, 3AI thought leader & mentor has witnessed this journey and he will share his anecdotes and will reflect on trends, landscape and future forward scenarios. The session will be moderated by Sameer Dhanrajani, President – 3AI.

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