3AI Trending Articles
Featured Article: Author: Shuvajit Basu GenAI has taken the world by storm. I certainly don’t have to outline the numerous possibilities it brings to bear. Both GenAI and Predictive AI have their share of strengths andbopportunities. However, if we can combine the power of these Generative models with Predictive AI/ML models, we might be able […]
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft, and Google are continuing to blot out European service providers as the platform of choice for European cloud services, according to a new report from Synergy Research Group. The report found that while the European cloud market has more than tripled over the past three years, European service providers have seen their […]
The authentication process takes under 3.5 minutes to complete, and involves scanning the tags under an electronic microscope to obtain the PUF pattern, which is sent to the AI-driven software for validation. A new anti-counterfeiting technique uses two dimensional (2D)-material tags along with artificial intelligence (AI)-driven authentication software, and promises to deliver faster, more accurate […]
Despite a pandemic that raged around the globe for the better part of the year, the cybersecurity market retained investor interest in 2020 and many in the sector expect next year to be no different. “Security is a red hot sector with more and more money pouring into it,” said Andrew Atherton, managing director at Union Square […]